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10 Benefits of Chicken Feet (No. 7 Important and Unexpected)

Almost everyone likes to eat chicken, but not all of them want to eat chicken feet or often referred to as claws. Besides not having meat, many people are reluctant to eat it because they imagine something dirty sticking to the chicken claw. In fact, the chicken claw itself has a content that is beneficial to the body. Here are the benefits of chicken feet that you can get.

Benefits of Chicken Feet for Health

Before explaining the benefits of eating chicken claws, it should be noted that until now there has been no valid research on the efficacy of chicken claws for the health of the body.

However, it should also be noted that chicken claws contain bones, tendons and skin. Usually only the tendons and skin are eaten, while the nutrient-rich chicken bones are discarded.

Even though it's difficult to get nutrients from bone marrow, you can actually process it into broth, so you can still get the nutrients in it.

The following are some of the benefits of chicken feet that are useful for the health of the body, including:

1. Maintain healthy skin

The first benefits of chicken feet are obtained from the collagen content in them. The high content of collagen is very useful to help maintain healthy skin, strengthen the structure of bones and blood vessels

In addition, the next benefit of eating chicken feet is to maintain skin elasticity because it supports the replacement of dead skin cells with new skin cells. A study revealed that the levels of collagen in chicken claws are similar to those found in fruits and green leafy vegetables which contain lots of vitamin C.

2. Maintain healthy teeth and gums

Intake of foods containing collagen, phosphorus and calcium is needed to keep teeth in good condition. For this reason, consumption of chicken claws along with broth made from boiled chicken claws is very good in helping the process of forming teeth in children.

Apart from teeth, the benefits of chicken feet are also useful for gum health. Some problems that occur in the gums are generally caused by poor dental health. However, gum problems can also be caused by a lack of nutritious nutrition.

To overcome this problem, one of the steps that can be taken is to consume chicken feet. Chicken feet contain nutrients such as gelatin, amino acids, and collagen, where these three substances can improve gum health.

3. Speed ​​up wound healing

In addition to the collagen and protein contained in chicken claws, the albumin component in chicken claws makes them efficacious for accelerating wound healing. Apart from making wounds heal quickly, the benefits of chicken feet are also useful for overcoming cell damage due to inflammatory effects.

4. Strengthen the immune system

The nutritional content such as collagen, gelatin, vitamin C and minerals such as zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in chicken claws can make the immune system stronger, so you will not get sick easily.

The body's ability to fight infection also increases because the efficacy of chicken feet encourages accelerated replacement of damaged cells. Damage to cells caused by infection will be resolved more quickly, conditions that make the body more effective in fighting off bacteria that enter.

5. Maintain bone health

The next benefit of chicken feet is its ability to maintain bone health. The content of calcium, protein, collagen, and cartilage in chicken feet can help maintain bone health, such as preventing bone fragility and various other bone problems.

It should be noted, bone loss usually occurs in those who are elderly due to degeneration of bone-forming cells that do not absorb calcium optimally. If you consume claw regularly, it is useful to prevent bone fragility. In the end, the risk of osteoporosis and bone loss can be reduced.

6. Relieves stress

Many people do not think that claws have the benefit of relieving stress. The benefits of eating chicken feet are obtained because vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is believed to make a person calmer.

7. Reducing the risk of heart attack

Apart from the content of vitamin B5, the next benefit of chicken feet is that it is useful for heart health. This is obtained because the content of vitamin B6 in it can reduce the risk of heart attack by lowering homocysteine ​​levels.

8. Increase testosterone hormone

The following benefits of chicken feet are useful for men because the zinc content contained in chicken claws is useful for maintaining testosterone levels. Chicken feet are believed to be able to meet 1/3 of the body's zinc needs for each serving.

In addition, the good fats found in chicken feet are also believed to help improve the performance of the glands in the body, because a number of glands in the body work with the help of healthy fats.

The collagen content in it also maintains the supply of red blood cells to hormonal control centers including the central nervous system and several glands in the body.

9. Maintaining the health of the digestive system

The benefits of chicken feet are then useful for the digestive system. Chicken feet themselves contain chondroitin, glucosamine, protein, and collagen which are useful for helping the digestive process run smoothly. These nutrients also help the absorption of food for the better

10. Maintain the condition of the joints

The last benefit of chicken claw is its ability to maintain healthy joints. This is because the content of collagen can increase the body's absorption of calcium, thereby helping bones to be more optimally nourished by calcium.

Other components of chicken feet such as protein, healthy fat, chondroitin, glucosamine and cartilage function to treat cartilage, joints and maintain the lubrication of the joint area.

So, those are some of the benefits of chicken feet that are useful for your body. Even though it has many benefits, you need to know that chicken feet also contain high levels of saturated fat, which can block blood flow to the heart muscle.

As a rule, 100 grams of chicken feet contain 3.9 grams of saturated fat and 84 mg of cholesterol. Meanwhile, the limit for consuming saturated fat and cholesterol per day should not be more than 30 grams and 300 mg per day.

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